F10 Germicidal Treatment Shampoo with Insecticide 250ml


The benefits of F10 Insecticide Germicidal Treatment Shampoo (highly effective in treating yeast (Malasseziasis) and fungal conditions such as ringworm, as well as in the prevention of superficial bacterial infections) are combined with F10 Germicidal Treatment Shampoo. With the addition of the cypermethrin insecticide, which gives additional control against fleas, lice and fly deterrent.

F10 Germicidal Treatment Insecticide Shampoo should be used where external parasite control is needed. The presence of cypermethrin offers strong antiparasitic control, and the germicidal action of the active ingredients of F10 is effective in treating associated skin infections.


  • It may be appropriate to wash first with F10 Germicidal Treatment Shampoo for heavily soiled coats. Clean off and wash immediately with F10 Germicidal Treatment Insecticide Shampoo.
  • If a preliminary wash is not needed, wet the coat thoroughly and work the shampoo across the body and into a lather (this can sometimes be assisted by pre-diluting the shampoo to make it easier to work with).
  • Leave for 20 minutes or longer if possible and then rinse off with clean water.
  • Repeat the procedure up to three times, or as instructed by the veterinarian, every other day.