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Small Pets
Frontline is a potent medication introduced in 1997 to control the population of fleas and ticks on pets. Apart from the fact that it can work effectively against matured fleas and ticks, it is also perfect for indoor pets.
Frontline is manufactured to treat and prevent fleas, ticks, and chewing lice in cats and dogs. It also helps in the control of sarcoptic mange in canines. With Frontline, you can completely exterminate fleas and ticks on your canine friends to protect them from the diseases and discomfort caused by these parasites.
Frontline is a trusted brand for protecting against flea and ticks for dogs. It has two different forms, including Frontline original and Frontline Plus.
To pick the best between these two forms, frontline plus will be selected as the top nonprescription recommendation. This is because it is characterized by greater effectiveness and easy application when it comes to killing ticks and fleas, controlling flea infestations, and exterminating chewing lice. Each dose of Frontline Plus can stay active for about three months if used for flea control.
Although Frontline and FRONTLINE Plus belong to the same brand, they are different in some ways.
Frontline was first made in 1997 to only protect dogs against Adult fleas and keep them safe from flea allergy dermatitis, ticks, and biting lice.
Frontline Plus, on the other hand, was first made in 2000 as an advanced medication containing an extra ingredient called Methoprene. This ingredient functions to exterminate every stage of the flea lifecycle. It helps sterilize the female flea to make it impossible for her to lay any further eggs, which results in breaking the flea cycle.
Using Frontline Plus will help protect your dogs from flea eggs, larvae, and adult fleas. It will also keep your dogs safe from flea allergy dermatitis, biting lice, and paralysis ticks. To keep your dog perfectly safe from paralysis ticks, you need to apply Frontline every two weeks.
Frontline is a great medication that has gone through extensive safety evaluation. So, when prescribed for your dogs and used as instructed, you will see the expected results. You should know that using Frontline to treat fleas and ticks will not pose any health risks to anyone (adults or children).
Do you want optimal flea control? Ensure that you treat your cats and dogs each month. By using Frontline Plus correctly, the medication will remain potent, combating fleas for at least a month. For those in a paralysis tick area, you should apply Frontline Plus every two weeks for dogs for effective paralysis tick control.