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Small Pets
The emergence of Friskies as a brand of dry and wet cat food can be traced backed to some decades after Carnation introduced the Friskies brand that was specifically on dog food. Carnation Company initially introduced Friskies as a dog food brand in the 1930s while in the 1950s, Friskies cat food was brought to the picture as the very first dry cat food product. In the 50s before Friskies cat food, the existing food brand was not only appropriate for growing pups alone, but also the household cat.
Nevertheless, it was discovered that cats detested Friskies puppy food. Henry Arnest, Friskies sales manager, therefore came up with a suggestion that there should be another production of food which will be made specifically for cats. He tried to convince the team to engage in a market trial of food specifically made for cats.
The growth of Friskies for cats was not as fast as expected— it was found doing incredibly well only in the United States on the West Coast. Interestingly, the recognition later came in as the brand began to grow in the cat food market. For about six decades after being introduced, Friskies became the top wet cat food in the US bringing in more than 500 million dollars in sales.
In 1985, the ownership was taken by Nestlé-Purina PetCare Company (a subsidiary of Nestlé global). From the 70s to the 2000s, there were different variations in the Friskies cat food brand which increased as consumers began to demand more.
Friskies offer the best cat food products including;
Friskies is a brand under Purina and it is not in any way bad for cats. In fact, it is absolutely good for them. The company has set to ensure that quality nutrition with amazing flavor varieties that satisfies your cats and keeps them exciting during their mealtime is provided—the products are made to offer the appropriate balance of tasty nutrition in the favorite varieties in cats.
To know why numerous cat -owners prefer Friskies products for their cats daily, you may want to check a Friskies review. The quality of the products is prioritized (strict quality control standards) and safety is consistently guaranteed. Also, google the term “Friskies tidbit” to have some fun!!
Yes, it is a good brand that is observed to be affordably priced, their products can be seen in many stores, and there is a wide variety of Friskies wet cat food and treats. Also, Friskies offer a Friskies cat food coupon to get some special offers and new promotions.