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Small Pets
Shed-XTM is a 100 percent renewable daily comprehensive dietary supplement guaranteed to remove unnecessary shedding in 3-6 weeks of proper use. Scientifically formulated with the exact ratios of Omega 3 & 6 fatty acids, vitamins and minerals needed for the treatment, enhancement and maintenance of optimum coat and skin condition for dogs by a PhD in Animal Nutrition Shed-XTM consciously operates from the inside out with a tasty taste dogs enjoy, to dramatically minimize unnecessary seasonal and non-seasonal shedding.
Canine Seasonal vs Excessive Shedding:
For dogs, this is a natural phase of losing old or damaged fur, which we call shedding. A healthy pet will normally shed its coat (also referred to as "blowing its coat," which typically occurs seasonally), but there may be an underlying problem causing this to happen when the shedding becomes excessive. Some breeds often shed more than others, and you will find that your thick haired dog will blow its coat around spring-time and sometimes during the fall. The undercoat is most often what sheds the most, and even some of its usual coat. Pet parents should groom their pets regularly with quality grooming equipment to help cosmetically minimize excessive shedding. However, regular brushing is only a quick-fix cosmetic, it is important to uncover and treat the underlying problem.
It's best to contact your veterinarian to assess the cause if you think your pet has an excessive shedding issue. It's time to see the vet if your pet shows signs of skin irritation, dry & brittle fur, open sores, bald spots or thinning of the coat, or excessive pulling out of the hair. These symptoms may be the result of inadequate dietary intake, stress and anxiety, or an undiscovered medical condition that needs treatment. Many commercial pet foods can cause your pet to have allergies or sensitivities, so you will need to try several products to find the right one for your dog or cat. Excessive Ultimate shedding may also result from the following issues:
Product Benefits:
Shed-X™ Nutritional Supplement for Dogs:
Years ago, before factories began producing kibble in cute shapes, dogs used to hunt. They ate raw meat, fish and other food-items containing vital sources of protein, fats, vitamins and minerals. Today, many pets are developing allergies to commercially processed pet-foods. These foods are manufactured through extruding machines, heated up to high degrees to kill foodborne illnesses (which also destroys vital nutrients, antioxidants, and omegas), and packaged into a cute bag which people then feed to their pet. Shed-X Dermaplex is the 100% natural, raw solution, offering pet parents a complete nutritional supplement that has a multitude of benefits, such as:
Healthy, Well-Rounded Reasons to Use Shed-X Daily:
Vegetable Oil, Flaxseed Oil, Chicken Flavor, Fish Oils (sourced from Norwegian Anchovies and Sardines), Wheat Germ Oil, Lecithin, Pyridoxine Hydrochloride, Vitamin E, Zinc Stearate, Mixed Tocopherols & Rosemary Extract, Inositol, Biotin, Vitamin A & D3.
Precautions and Storage